Energy of the day:
This day is not very stable energetically so unless you have no other choice not a good day for significant or important activities. Try meditation, prayer, any of the many cleansings of energy there are on my youtube channel. If you don’t shower you stink, same with energy clean energy will get you where dirty energy will not so try it, what do you have to do.
If today is your birthday:
You should always get enough sunshine, if you don’t maybe some vitamin D supplement will be good for you. Long life has been bestowed upon you, realize if you jump off a cliff you will die. The string of your life barring self-endangerment will be long. Work on your creative abilities and you will find you are better than you thought you were. A ray of sunshine you can be, let the inner sunshine through and even a life in politics would be good for you. Writing might be one of your creative talents, stop looking back, the future is ahead of you.