
About admin

21 years as a psychic medium, I'm a published author, created a spiritual product line, traveled the world on radio and television. Spirit has given me the insight to help those in need, I'm forever grateful for the opportunity.

06-03 / Word of the day ” Every sunset is an opportunity to reset

Energy of the day: Today's energy is the lowest of the month so stay away from doing anything important, try and do some energy cleansing and weather this day as tomorrow the sun will awaken to a better day. The Tiger, Horse and the Dog will have low energy so for you do more as [...]

06-03 / Word of the day ” Every sunset is an opportunity to reset2023-06-01T22:09:18-05:00

06-02 / Word of the day ” Avoid dressing yourself to reflect someone else’s personality be original, never a copy “

Energy of the day: Best energy day for the month of June, opportunities will open if you give it a chance, don't waste a day with such good flow. The Rat, Ox, Dragon, Snake and the Rooster will need to do some meditation and prayer as your energy is low today. The Rabbit has exceptionally  [...]

06-02 / Word of the day ” Avoid dressing yourself to reflect someone else’s personality be original, never a copy “2023-06-01T21:58:45-05:00

05-19 / Word of the day ” All that is created is first created in the mind, the body will follow “

Energy of the day: One of the best days of the month, all positive endeavors have a better chance to align with your plans today so stay away with negative activities today such as revenge, any legal actions and the chances of success is best today for all positive things. Major aspects in astrology: Conjunction:  [...]

05-19 / Word of the day ” All that is created is first created in the mind, the body will follow “2023-05-13T11:51:07-05:00

05-18 / Word of the day ” Kindness is the sunshine that opens all doors to victory “

Energy of the day: The energies are not stable so unless you have no choice maybe leave all important activities for another day. The Rat and the Ox have terrific energy today so for you all is possible, take this good energy for a spin. Cancer:  Guilt is not real if you've done the work, [...]

05-18 / Word of the day ” Kindness is the sunshine that opens all doors to victory “2023-03-18T19:03:44-05:00

05-17 / Word of the day ” The price of victory can be expensive but what is the alternative “

Energy of the day: Definitely not a good energy day, perhaps if you need to destroy, so if that old shed has to go today is a good day for any destructive event like breaking up that relationship, tear down that ugly  bathroom, etc, you get the idea. Chinese Astrology learning your sign and element [...]

05-17 / Word of the day ” The price of victory can be expensive but what is the alternative “2023-05-13T11:18:40-05:00

05-16 / Word of the day ” Every sunset is a reset so why bring it over to the next morning, start anew “

Energy of the day: A good flow energetic day, if you want to start on the right foot today is that day, play the odds then today is a good day to begin an important activity. The Tiger has exceptional good energy today so for you do as you will and the odds of success [...]

05-16 / Word of the day ” Every sunset is a reset so why bring it over to the next morning, start anew “2023-05-13T11:15:19-05:00

05-15 / Word of the day ” The gateways of the past can become the obstacles in your future if not resolved “

Energy of the day: This is the time for you to launch a good project, today will give you the best initiation for any long term project you've been looking to start. The Rabbit, Goat, Monkey and Pig are not with very stable energy today so for you some sort of cleansing ritual to get [...]

05-15 / Word of the day ” The gateways of the past can become the obstacles in your future if not resolved “2023-05-13T10:03:04-05:00

05-14 / Word of the day ” As in sales, you start with 0 every day, don’t look back, today is a new day “

Energy of the day: Smooth sailing today, the energy is very stable, if you don't rock the boat the day will be smooth from morning till night. The Rat, Dragon and Snake all have good energy today so for you take your good flow for a spin. The Tiger, Rooster, Dog and Horse all have [...]

05-14 / Word of the day ” As in sales, you start with 0 every day, don’t look back, today is a new day “2023-05-13T09:56:32-05:00

05-13 / Word of the day ” Is it difficult, is it a challenge or is it an opportunity in disguise “

Energy of the day: If you're looking to get abundant return to your activities, then today has a good flow for this type of thing. The Rat, Ox, Dragon, Snake and Rooster have complex energies so for you maybe some sort of cleansing ritual might smooth out your energies enough to have a plentiful day. [...]

05-13 / Word of the day ” Is it difficult, is it a challenge or is it an opportunity in disguise “2023-03-18T17:34:14-05:00

05-12 / Word of the day ” The old skin has to be shed before the new emerges, so it is with life “

Energy of the day: Great day to remove negative energies, this could be just attachments from other people, places with heavy energy or even generational damage.  Go clear your energies start from prayer, meditation, find some other form of cleansing, you can find my Chanel on youtube or schedule a cleanse from my website [...]

05-12 / Word of the day ” The old skin has to be shed before the new emerges, so it is with life “2023-03-18T17:19:06-05:00


Readings and Healing over the phone in 15 countries and 34 states, TV and radio as well as events and group chats on development based on my book Life and Beyond. With my energy work and cleansing I’ve been able to help thousands and nothing is more rewarding than helping those in need, thanks for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many.

Contact Hector Espinosa

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