Energy of the day:
Today’s energy is the lowest of the month so stay away from doing anything important, try and do some energy cleansing and weather this day as tomorrow the sun will awaken to a better day.
The Tiger, Horse and the Dog will have low energy so for you do more as the energy is low already.
The Rooster’s energy is very good today so for you take this low energy day for a spin, might surprise yourself what you can do even if the energy of the day is not good when the individual energy is up as your is today.
If today is your birthday:
Natural abilities, creative artistic, let go of old family issues and put all your eggs in your basket, try and accomplish without being burdened by outside issues. Good looking and good talker you will excel at many things but choose one to be great at. You can be a leader, don’t allow insecurities to down you, love is on the horizon, don’t overthink it, regular exercise will allow you vent any pent-up anxiety. If you have a hot foot slow down while driving. Try & get along with your parent better, remember they brought you into this world and like you had to learn and maybe took them longer.