Energy of the day:
This is a day to break things, if you look at it might seem like a negative energy day but we have many things that need breaking, break a negative friendship, tear down that tree that has been a bother, you get the idea when handed lemons make lemonade, this is very much a lemon day so chop down and get rid of anything today you need to.
If this is your birthday:
You know not to quit, you are a thinker, outside the box you can use your creativity and make it into something more. Your dreams will take you far, if you are an animal lover maybe you should look into becoming a veterinarian, the sky’s the limit. You have spiritual insight, let your dreams show you some future information. You love to help the underdog so maybe a public defender or other situation where you are helping those who cannot help themselves. Pamper yourself, don’t overstay or you may get trapped in your own dreamy state, your own fantasy world.