Energy of the day:
This day is a good day for starting, so if you want to start a new job, if you want to move today is a good day, any positive initiation is good today.
The Tiger, Horse, Rooster and Dog will have to work a bit harder today as your energies are turbulent.
The Dragon and the Snake can do no wrong today.
Leo: The future looks bright, think positive and positive feelings will follow, followed by the action of success.
Aquarius: You know it’s coming but not in the direction, be patient and all will be well.
If today is your birthday:
Natural abilities, creative, artistic, let go of old family issues and put all your eggs in your basket, try and accomplish without being burdened by outside issues. Good looking and good talker you will excel at many things but choose one to be great at. If you fly off the handle try journaling, when you have one of those days write it down in detail then go back to that day 30 days later read and analyze why you go how you got and learn you will.