Energy of the day:

A day of successful energies so it’s a good day to initiate anything you’ve been wanting to do, of all the days this month this day is very auspicious.

Scorpio: Your lack of energy and go, go, might feel like your tank is empty, get enough nutrition, rest and exercise, this will not last.

The Ox and the Monkey will have exceptionally good energy so take a chance on that special idea, better chance of success on this day.


If today is your birthday:

I like the pastel colors for you, keep a little coral horn adornment on your person, on a bracelet  or other just remember you are good with the ocean so keeping a piece of it with you  will fortify your aura strengthen your resolve and block negative energies from affecting you.  maybe a carrier in law enforcement or lawyer might be good for you defenders of the underdogs often choose these to fulfil their feeling of justice for all.  Since bossiness is not your usual motus operandi you might as well enjoy these moments of assertiveness, always good to explore who you are or who you can become.