Energy of the day:
If you feel there are things from your past or even past lives or family trauma that has followed the family this is a good day to release karma so try this ritual as there are many and you may check out my youtube channel for some insight and free videos or schedule on my website calendar for a reading or cleansing for clarity. take to cold eggs from the refrigerator, wash in water dry with a paper towel, lay in bed, place one egg over each eye, a thick towel over them to hold in place and breathe, meditate for 30 minutes, can be longer but not less. When done go to the toilet sink and break the eggs on the inside, look at how they broke and don’t be surprised if they look cooked. The mirror to the soul is in the eyes and eggs are some of the most effective mechanisms to pull negative energy out. So doing this one ritual once a week for 1 year will cut whatever this is and not follow down to your own family, children etc.
Scorpio: Be open, even if you think your opinion is the only right one leave room for growth and allow others to voice theirs without dissent.
Taurus: You have the trifecta, mind, body and soul, if you achieve this cohesive status, you will be unstoppable, vitality, faith and confidence in your talents will drive you over the goal and into success.
If today is your birthday:
I like the pastel colors for you, keep a little coral horn adornment on your person, on a bracelet or other just remember you are good with the ocean so keeping a piece of it with you will fortify your aura strengthen your resolve and block negative energies from affecting you. maybe a carrier in law enforcement or lawyer might be good for you defenders of the underdogs often choose these to fulfil their feeling of justice for all. Since bossiness is not your usual motus operandi you might as well enjoy these moments of assertiveness, always good to explore who you are or who you can become.