Energy of the day:
Today is a smooth energy day so just keep doing what you are doing and the day’s energy will carry you through with ease.
Rat, Ox, Dragon, Snake and Rooster have more work to do today as your energies are a bit turbulent.
Gemini: Take a step back, focus on what you want or need and all will be well.
Sagittarius: You feel good, so why think you’re messing up when you open your mouth.
If today is your birthday:
Remarkably high capacity for spiritual service, so can be a priest of any religion, writers, communicators of any form would be good carriers for this sign. You sign and have a magnetic personality, practicality can rule this sign, very mature soul so responsibility rules. Be careful not to become too sensitive, can make a career, as a psychologist, psychic as your level of intuitiveness is immense. If not careful can be used and abused because of your kind persona, so can be overworked and under paid. Can be a king maker, you can be the power behind the throne, this would be a great place for you as you like to pull the strings but not be in the firing line.