Good day to end things, quit your job, end a relationship, any medical procedures, definitely get in touch with your spiritual nature. Not a good day to get married, move or initiate anything important. If 5 or 17 years of age, make sure you take vitamins and hydrate well, enough rest to let your body recuperate.
Good day for the ox and dog, the pig and tiger should not do anything crazy today.
For those whose birthday is today, focus on one thing at a time, your insight might be open so pay attention to your intuition, even if you don’t want to hear it, listen to advice. Your charisma might be high so take it for a spin.
Take a white candle, thin and long, etch with an instrument your wish, abundance, love, health, employment, your desire. With your hands wet with virgin olive oil rub the energy of your wish onto the candle. Get some salt and again further rub your desire onto the candle asking to clear the way and make it reality. Get a glass plate and light the candle, placing a bit of the melted candle on the center of the plate and place the candle over it so it will not tilt. During the time of it’s melting keep your focus on your wish until completely melted.