Energy of the day:
It’s a great day to have success at what you do on this day, remember nothing is absolute but the odds exponentially increase for success when you do things on a positive day such as today. Have been wanting to do something positive for yourself for your life for those around you then today is the day.
If today is your birthday:
In this life you might become a great doctor or psychiatrist, learn to control your emotions and the future is yours. I know you might feel overwhelmed but having some peaceful times could clear the anxiety that can overcome this birthday. Go to a comedy club or just find a way to find your joy, life is meant to be enjoyed so do it. Never forget to concentrate on your wellbeing, if you feel good you will do good things.
In astrology there are 12 houses in the natal chart, house one is about he self, the body, attitude, identity, your approach to life will be important to the 1st house.