Energy of the day:
The stagnant energies of this day are best served if you just chill out and do nothing important, if you must then first meditate, pray, clear your blocks so even on a day where the energies are stuck you may yet find your groove.
If today is your birthday:
The only world you belong in is the purely spiritual world, you might be tempted but stay in the light. You were born to be all you were born to be I know it sounds like rhetoric but it’s a gift to be bork on this day. Any future days will only bring light into the world, entertain and more. Stay away from too much food, it can be your enemy, learn to harness your strength and let loose your true potential. Be careful with your low back or back in general, drink plenty of water so you don’t develop some muscular deficiencies like tension on your person.
In astrology the third house is about your thoughts, your mind, how to best communicate and get the most of your life.