Energy of the day:
Stagnant energies today so best to lay low and wait for tomorrow, if you must take action today pray, meditate, work with cleansing rituals.
Libra, you should take care of your kidneys, bladder, gout, sexual problems, low back.
Pisces, if you feel overstimulated it can lead to stress so find a healthy outlet before it gets out of hand.
If today is your birthday:
You can be prone to stress, travel might also stress you so you need an outlet, I prefer exercise so find your passion, creative outlet like music will also work. You can overcome most things in life, you have several hurdles to overcome some envy, jealousy and more against you. You’re a shooting star along with that comes the haters. When under emotional stress you might make some jokes but it’s only to divert from others realizing you are sensitive. It looks like you might be in line to have twins or your children will.