Energy of the day:
This day has volatile energy so you can work on clearing your own karma by prayer, meditation, use a combination of all of the aforementioned modalities, on a day with this type of energy you can clear your calendar of negative energies you are dragging.
If today is your birthday:
Usually an intellectual, you feel the credit you deserve eludes you or most don’t get you, can dip into the depressive side, if you don’t get it right the first time do it again and again until right. Controlling urges is important as you can go on and on about a subject, remember you live in the world and patience is important to have. There is a creative side that if worked can give you balance, drink plenty of water and exercise, these things can balance certain traits along with listening to music can open you up spiritually thus balancing your great intellect and becoming all you can be. Musically inclined can be an instrument player, singer, songwriter, grandeur is in your path, if you take it there, success is in your path, can have multiple marriages.