Energy of the day:
The energy of this day is to start anything on the right foot, stay away from moving on this day otherwise the day is good for all other endeavors, look at your self in the mirror and some positive self talk is always a good thing. Look at life and say, the world is mine, my oyster and i enjoy every day as if it ware the very first day of the rest of my long life.
If today is your birthday:
You have a highly active libido, don’t let it create a list of senseless relationships based solely on body and not on soul. Do you know the difference between love and passion, never forget love is of the soul and passion of the flesh. Now this excess can be drink, sex, drugs etc. so keep your eyes on the ball and don’t let your flexible nature take you down a rabbit hole you are not able to climb out of. You will be surprised on how effective you can become when you put your mind to it.