Energy of the day:
Worse energy day, if you can avoid doing any important you should keep a low key posture till tomorrow, it will be a better day.
The Tiger, Rabbit, Horse and Dog, you should be careful as your energies are a bit lot today.
Aries: Keep your energies going forwards, keep your friends and family close as well.
Libra: Keep your energies level, don’t go crazy or you might be off balance.
If today is your birthday:
perhaps you should consider that things happen and sometimes they can be your fault. You can be a good leader but again being a leader is about delegating, let people do their work. Don’t micromanage, I feel the old soul inside you can temper your mouth as sometimes it can get you in trouble if you let it run amuck. Finicky digestion, try never to eat and go to sleep, maybe even walk after each meal to help out your digestion.