Great day to initiate long term goals, want to move, start looking for your new place today, plan for the future today is as good a day as any to start, the longer the term to achieve your goals the better this day is for you”
If this is your birthday keep this thought in mind, you might think it novel to sacrifice but who asked you, same for children, you give up things in hopes to give them a better tomorrow, they grow up and do their thing, you look back and realize they never asked you to. Make it all about you, yes be responsible but your path of life is yours don’t give it up for some misguided attempt to be of service. Be very aware that you can have some emotional weakness that can drive you to depression, exercise for you will be your pill for life, keep yourself balance by sweat not tears.
Into magic get some mandarin peals and place in wallet or any area where you have your money, also rub some bergamot onto some of your bills to attract money, leave change in your pocket and shake it regularly its like ringing the lunch bell at school sending out the universal call to bring me the money.