Energy of the day:
A low energy day so on this day, perhaps work on some cleansing rituals and elevate you energies to balance the days energy.
The Rat, Ox, Snake, Monkey and Rooster have low energies today; while the Goat has very good energy today.
Leo: Honestly and with bravery will obtain you your results.
If today is your birthday:
You have a good path for working on health, anything in the healthcare industry would be good so will teaching maybe even uniform your options are good just choose and go fourth. Don’t let any legal thing fester, it could be as simple as a ticket that you ignored and became a suspended license, if you feel you need to wear the uniform then go for it, karma can lead you to fulfil the larger part and being of service will fulfil so soldier, cop, firefighter, even doctor as they usually wear those white outfits.