This is a day that balance should be worked on so do some renovation, clean up your attic, basement, any place where balance is required. Garage, closets and other areas that get out of hand on this day should be brought into balance or cleaned up.
If this is your birthday look around and see if you have a birthmark on your body if you do you were blessed by your ancestors and as such will probably have a long life. Your creative and or artistic talents might just be a way for you to make a living. Try sales anything related to the public, you are blessed with good looks, you attract people to you so give yourself a break and maybe look into politics or in front of camera. The possibilities are as varied as there are fruits on an apple tree.
If you are into magic and need a bit of help you can use cooking cloves to boil and pour the water overhead after you shower to enhance your attraction quotient. If burnt as incense it will attract good luck also stop people from gossiping about you.