Energy of the day:
Wonderful day to rid yourself of negative or stagnant energies, prayer, meditate or other forms of cleansings, make a conscious effort today to get rid of the things that don’t matter in your life any longer, also to pull the trigger on the new you’ve been wanting to start or initiate.
The Rat, Ox, Snake, Monkey and rooster are definitely not flowing today so just know this day will be done soon and a better day will be born tomorrow.
If today is your birthday:
You are an old soul but need plenty of TLC, Tender Loving Care so find a relationship where this is fulfilled or you will feel something missing, don’t let that feeling end a relationship if all else is good discuss t with your partner, be surprised of what can happen when you communicate. If this is your birthday a creative aura envelops you so as you grow older you might even like to write a book. Try wearing more blue or green, maybe a combo like aqua all good colors to enhance your energies of attraction or open doors by opening more doors. As you evolve you look around and choose to help those around you.