Energy of the day:
A day where the energies are at their lowest this month, not a day to try any new thing or important thing; you should work on strengthening your resolve and prepare for tomorrow. Incredible as it sounds the low energy days happen and this happens to be the lowest for this month so relax as there will be a tomorrow.
The Ox, Snake and Rooster will have an extra difficult day so unless absolutely necessary take a chill day there will always be tomorrow.
If today is your birthday:
Don’t cry over spilled milk or what is not good for you, no matter in life you will always overcome adversity. You might have an issue with your extremities, legs, arms etc. To overcome health issues, see a spiritual healer. Any pending issues deal with them don’t let it fester, you are very open spiritually so clean your energies regularly and see how things get better. Very lonely, sensitive, get harder shell so you don’t sweat the little things. Check eyes as you might need glasses. As you travel close to ocean is best, you can dip into the dark negative side so exercise will keep you balanced. Your life is like the phoenix, reborn from the ashes of your old life, a lot of what is said here can be prevented by always crossing your Ts and dotting your I’s. Work the nature angle, cultivate a garden, cook all-natural things. Try and wear a thin red string on your left wrist, will help you plow through negative situations. Take ownership of situations that are yours, don’t get wrapped up in the details of a situation, address it and move on, life is better when you don’t drown in emotion.