astrology & spirituality

05-19 / Word of the day ” All that is created is first created in the mind, the body will follow “

Energy of the day: One of the best days of the month, all positive endeavors have a better chance to align with your plans today so stay away with negative activities today such as revenge, any legal actions and the chances of success is best today for all positive things. Major aspects in astrology: Conjunction:  [...]

05-19 / Word of the day ” All that is created is first created in the mind, the body will follow “2023-05-13T11:51:07-05:00

01-20 / Word of the day ” Just know it’s time for new beginnings, today is your day “

Energy of the day: Yes, this is one of the best days this month to achieve so do what you've wanted and today might reap the rewards of hard work, remember timing is everything.  Want to start that new project again the positive energy of the day will drive it home for you, have no [...]

01-20 / Word of the day ” Just know it’s time for new beginnings, today is your day “2021-10-18T04:41:05-05:00

03-10 / Word of the day ” Every moment is a new beginning point, choose wisely “

The energy of the day: Its a great day for abundance, do any and all prayers to bring it home, if you want to buy a home, buy a car, all abundance things today will be good. Get engaged, start a new business, any new endeavor will work. If this is your birthday: It’s easier [...]

03-10 / Word of the day ” Every moment is a new beginning point, choose wisely “2021-03-13T10:26:17-05:00


Readings and Healing over the phone in 15 countries and 34 states, TV and radio as well as events and group chats on development based on my book Life and Beyond. With my energy work and cleansing I’ve been able to help thousands and nothing is more rewarding than helping those in need, thanks for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many.

Contact Hector Espinosa

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